Land area: 3,300sf. Basic 1sty terrace corner for sale asking RM900k. Click on the pic for more info.
Land area: 3,381 square feet. Renovated terrace link corner in gated and guarded area. Asking price:RM1.5mil neg. Click on the photo for more details.
Land area: 4,142sf. Beautifully renovated terrace link corner with Balinese garden. Asking RM1.8mil. neg. Click on the pic for more info.
Land area: 4,200sf. Terrace Link Corner with ample side garden. Guarded. Asking RM2.15mil neg. Click on the pic for more info.
Land area: 4,510sf. Renovated terrace corner with garden. Asking price: RM1.8mil neg. Click on the pic for more info.